How to make lots of money immediately - with Craigslist

8:18 AM 1 Comments A+ a-

There are lots and lots of Craigslist money in secret moving to many people's pockets everyday

Call it a flawless way to make money

If there’s one way to start raking in money immediately and you utterly no longer know where to go running to get some money . . .  you should run to Craigslist. There, many marketers post tons of posts in the form of an advertisement – and in the so doing reaches literally thousands per day. Particularly because Google, King of search engines displays Craigslist advertisements very easily and quickly into Google – not to mention placing it either as the first result or at least on the first page of whatever your audience’s keywords are (what people type into Google).

Imagine you write an ad and post it successfully to Craigslist? In a matter of minutes you’ll see your ad up in Google being on the first page of it: The possibility remains that you can have thousands of people seeing it.

So what does showing an ad of what you’re selling to others actually mean? It means that you are “presenting” whatever you are selling to a possible someone who might buy it.

Aren’t you in need for money urgently as in right now?

With Craigslist there are lots and lots of people making money (secretly) raking in literally $1000 per day.

Why isn’t everyone earning these thousands I am speaking about especially those struggling bloggers and internet marketers?

For two reasons. Everyone don’t know about Craigslist. But the greatest reason for this is that not even half of the people that know about Craigslist succeed at posting an advertisement.

That is the only problem. There are 10,000s of people trying every day to post an advertisement with Craigslist each day – just to realize that their ad isn’t showing at all. The reason is because there are a lot of bots moving through a dedicated advanced spam system that is so strict at not excepting posts that when a posting isn’t exact and specific enough it “ghosts” your ad. Many times it shows you or tells you that your ad is up and showing all the while it is not – just to trick you.

How to beat the Craigslist Bot

There are a few people who are sharing and exchanging the inbound-secrets and up-to-date knowledge and info at succeeding to keep posting and profiting from Craigslist. There are many free resources online whereby one can try and acquire this information. However they would always tend to be outdated and not nearly telling everything you should.

If you really want to know how to succeed do acquire all of the information within these three ebooks – as this is the only place where you will get ALL of the information to succeed at posting advertisements successfully to start at making literally $100’s every day. If you are in dire need for money – then whatever you do just don’t go borrow some. With Craigslist you really don’t need loans anymore!

There are 3 main advantages for advertising on Craigslist:

Instant Customers at your fingertips

Instantly reaching 10,000′s of people looking for opportunities on Craigslist site. It is the world’s 33rd most visited site thus meaning a large audience

You get targeted customers

Why you’re getting targeted customers is that you can rank high on the Google search engine through ads. If you do keyword research (what people are typing into Google) you can make a staggering amount of money just by targeting your audience with specific keywords people type into Google everyday.

You never need a website

You can place multiple ads daily with Craigslist once you know exactly what you should do to succeed at ad postings there.

Visit just here if you're looking for things to sell on Craigslist and want to make heaps of money without spending $10′s of dollar out of your pocket.

There are quite a few ebooks on the market (most for free) that mentions a ways on how you can be able to make decent money ($100 and more per day) by NOT posting ads –

but by utilizing Ebay. For example – people that are looking for “specific” items on Craigslist. As a classified website, just like your traditional classified newspaper – people would always tend to request or look and ask for certain things there.

What if you would be the one to solve that request? What if someone looked for a second hand Sony Playstation – for a specific price of $100 (for example) and there is one to buy from someone for cheaper at Just by connecting certain sales with certain people – you could profit, profit, profit . . .

Happy Craigslisting and making money.

To be or not to be an affiliate marketer?

7:09 AM 2 Comments A+ a-

Have you ever noticed the glittery websites of internet marketers and the way they talk their "sales talk"? The brand new cars they are posing with . . . that suspiciously let's you wonder: Are all these things so very real? And why the heck are these people so "desperate" to get your sale if they are these millionaires???

 Don't be fooled by TOO GOOD affiliate marketers

It's said that affiliate marketing is one of the greatest ways to make money off the internet – one of the most trusted and sustainable sources.
The most important question rather: How often do you earn your commissions with traditional affiliate marketing programs?

There is no doubt about the fact that affiliate programs are of the best ways to generate a good amount of money as well as one of the most ideal supplemental ways to your money bag. However, if we take a look at fast and immediate or quick money – then affiliate programs simply won't work.
Apart from that it's not quick; it does not come that easy either. Marketing affiliate programs do require that you have knowledge about internet marketing. And if one look at the fact that 97% of all internet marketers online fail up close, trying to consider affiliate marketing and you need money urgently, as in very quick, affiliate marketing is just not going to do the “getting quick money trick”.

As I am saying, affiliate marketing, is ultimately one of the best ways to make decent money online. There are thousands of internet marketers that generate $1000 daily with it and even more. If one would take a look at, you can instantly find 1000’s of products there, market them for free, and make a commission from it – as much as 75%.
That would really mean that if you sell a $100 affiliate program, that you get the $75, while the owner of the program walks away with just $25.

Many people will with a quick surprise think about: “What If I can sell at least 10 of these affiliate programs per day? Wouldn't I be able to make $750 of money daily?!”

Exciting as it may sound – it's just not that simple.

 To Pull out lots of money from a bag - simple?

If you think about factors such as: You are an internet newbie, or that you know that you are not good at marketing anything . . . or you don't even know the internet that well (or especially don't know the product you're selling). What's the chance that you will get a $100 program sold to ten people per day – or even one of them?

If we really start thinking serious, we take into account always that 97% of all online marketers fail, and we should ask ourselves why.

We even need to go further and consider whether trying to make money with affiliate programs would be the best option for you if you're thinking about making money quick with specifically taking a deeper look at the actual response rate you will get with an expensive $100 program.

Even more importantly, internet spending have changed steeply with the world recession, if we take a look at the percentage of people who mainly uses their credit cards to buy online, but who are now looking away from using their credit cards period. Some are highly in debt, while some have even lost their cards.

Golden eggs CANNOT be laid overnight

This is the sole reason exactly why intermediate internet marketers experience an average response rate of 0.01% to 0.5%. That means, if you have started to manage to learn the basic skills of marketing online, you should be able to start getting at least 1000 people to your money making affiliate program daily.

You make the calculations. From the 1000 people seeing your marketed program, only 1-5 will buy the product through you. But what I can say from experience is that a $100 program will even have a much lesser response rate at the moment. Every $10 to people is money they think about, when spending. I believe $100 are 10 $10. This means that people will consider it 10 times over to buy a $100 money program.

In simple detail what I am saying, is that even if you do get 1000 people looking at your affiliate marketed program per day, you will likely get either 1 response, 2 if you are really lucky, but none at most times.

Lastly, in what sense do affiliate programs generate any quick money, if affiliate commissions are paid out only twice monthly – and to worsen things even further – paid by check?

How to actually make lots of money: Now

9:57 AM 1 Comments A+ a-

Favorably there are dozens of ways to make money online, however not every opportunity really succeed in providing a flawless way of generating (not cents – or a dollar or two per day), but a reasonable amount of money immediately. Successfully assisting the ones that need money fast and as in now!

    You can forget about getting lots of money from the internet to you - if you don't give anything in trade for it . . .   The deal is simple. You won't find a free opportunity online that will be able to give you what you're actually looking for – If you need money fast. Never mind needing lots of it. To make money online (here at the thing that is called the internet) is where millions come together to trade (make) some kind of money. And to actually expect from someone to say: Give me lots of money now, but you as one internet end aren't willing to trade something with the other internet end . . . well. It will simply give you a weaker result – something you wouldn't have expected. Like ptc sites paying a few cents . . .  then not paying you after a month or two. And you only had about $10 or $15? Then there's online surveys (whereby you actually need to search for hours and still end up with no survey to fill) . . . And one can go on and on with no successful efforts.

I call this logic. You simply can't expect something from absolutely free stuff. And if you do get something out of it . . . It's going to take TIME and it's going to make you frustrated! Does that make logic sense? For example: To actually expect to make lots of money quick within a short time frame would also be about unrealistic – however as long as you entwine it with some better realism. Giving out money (trading cash) with a service / product (some way to get you money fast) = results.

NOT giving money out (NOT trading) with an EXPECTED outcome = Poorer results WASTING TIME and creating more frustration.

Something that actually makes more sense, is that, yes I know, there honestly are ways to make money online for free. A lot of websites pay you especially for referring people to their opportunities or companies. That happens online as well as offline – all the time. Is that logic? I think that you would even agree with me if I told you that while you are really looking to make money with a simple earning method – that you will even fail with that - for example a free referral program? (Read my post about to be or not to be an affiliate marketer. It'll give you more sensibility.)

Why I say this will obviously be – again – common sense. You will get paid once a month . . . Are you able to wait 30 days from now or until month-end to get (whatever few dollars that is) to your Paypal account? I don't think so. Let me refresh your mind why you perhaps came here: You want money now! Not tomorrow, not next week or next month. And you want to know how to get lots of it now! But now why on earth would you want to make heaps of money fast or would need it in a hurry? Desperation? Most people online search for quick money ways . . . and I actually refer to those people never finding something. Are you one of them and are you looking for a free one? Let me analyze this . . . don't worry I won't be long. Just breathe and relax. One of the reasons people actually fail making money online is because they give up too fast. But most of the time, they search for far too many opportunities at one time – all with not even finding one single one of them that will work.

Get lots of internet money now fast easier than you think And this is where the problem lies. You never find something that work for you. So instead of looking for something that can make you between $10-$50 per day . . . You allow yourself to run into things that promise to make you unbelievable sums daily . . . Like $1000.

You feel excited. But haven't you actually learned your lesson yet? That is: You are wasting even more and MORE time every day that you are looking and seeking and searching for even more ways . . . But let me not be wasting your valuable time any longer.

Here's a way that might help you out in making a few small amounts of cash while you don't have a lot to for out on your internet endeavors at the moment. This will teach you how to make unlimited $5 from now onwards. You will need to market this one (just use your imagination + free forum sites). You may effectively earn over $100 per day after some time (weeks) but realistically $10 easily per day.

The best of luck to your online success!

How to make money – fast, immediately – with information

7:26 AM 4 Comments A+ a-

The internet is a sphere of gazillions and gazillions of interactions of people between websites – or so YOU would think. The internet is in fact a place of multitudes of thousands of millions of INFORMATION. And so thousands upon thousands of people have managed to be able to profit from this – by selling information.

How you can sell stuff to also profit and to make AUTOMATIC MONEY

Thousands upon thousands of people are exchanging money virtually right now for cash

What exactly does “automatic money” mean?

Well, any website that is able to get a substantial amount of traffic to it will most definitely make money off of it. In most cases, this is because the “content” or “information” in the form of articles or blog posts being triggered from the search engines is seen and read by lots of people online.

How websites then make some money from the people just visiting and reading their articles – is when they (might) click on one of their advertisements on their site or blog. These advertisements might pay these site owners $0.10 to $10 PER CLICK depending on the quality of the site, what the information is all about etc.

Forms of advertising campaigns are the very famous ones of Google Adsense , a product that goes hand in hand with Google Adwords. While this post isn’t at all about Google Adwords or Google Adsense I will not outstrip the entire post about it. However simply to say that:

Google Adsense is the solution for you to make some money off of your website or blog by signing up for an account and putting up relevant ads related to whatever your blog is about. It's always good to do some research (to try and figure out how much money you can get per click for what you want to write about).

Putting up ads on your website is seen as a way to earn money with at a more organic (meaning also slower and longer) scale and time frame. Even though it is one of the automatic ways to get any money and perhaps lots of it as well depending how much posts your blog gain, what your Google Pagerank of your website is etc.

At the end of the day, people would search something on the internet, see your post or article click through on it – and perhaps click on one of your ads. That's what's being referred to as automatic and organic money.

There are also other forms of getting money with information: Writing

Writing is probably one of the most outsourced ways at acquiring information by lots of firms and lots of different companies. There are freelance writers, blog writers, article writers etc. And it all comes off to the same things: People really want to gain money at an organic way by “investing” in information in the form of articles now and today.

There are a lot of upmarket sites out there where you can get the most professionally written pieces of articles, (buying photos and video as well) for from $10 to over $100 per piece that's unique; While one can also get posts, articles and information at some other places where one can get cheaper, lesser quality but still decent written articles.

These places or websites also give you the opportunity to write and make sales from your written artwork.

There are the very interesting ways at getting lots of money now, today AUTOMATICALLY

Well, perhaps not entirely “lots of money”. But at least a lot of people gain decent money from utilizing these sources as a way at getting money much more easily by virtually doing . . .  nothing. This is by selling information products (ebooks, software, pdf’s) to others via online stores which are a second party doing everything for you. This is phenomenally good if you really don’t know about the internet and really don’t have the time for a website.

Basically one very good digital store is that lets you make money off of it, processes, stores on their server your products and allow your customers (their customers) to download whatever things you want to sell – automatically – entirely for free for the first month. Here are a few things you can try out if you’d like to make the chance at making money without marketing, referring or even selling all without even paying one single cent! All of Payloadz’ customers are on their site actually so just when seeing your product – bang! You make money off of it. This is something almost just like ebay, except that ebay’s expensive to sell on.

Talking about ebay and Information products.

Information products is becoming a booming market online

Most people these days are in dire need at “answers” all of the time. And I really mean – all of the time. There are millions of them making literally billions of searches every single day . . . That's what you're doing and me and everyone else on Google. That's exactly why there are things such as search engines! “What”, “how”, “why”, “when”, “how long”, “how to”  . . .  These type of searches goes on into infinity  – and people really don't bother at paying $4, $5 and $10 as they die at knowing what they want to know about.

There are millions of sales every hour of the day by exchanging information for cash at a lot of websites. Whether wanting to know how to gain more weight, how to lose more weight, how to make money, how to save it – you can simply search for how to for anything online – it will probably cost you – but it's one great way to start making money on the internet.

To use or not to use free resources in hope at making lots of money?

9:23 AM 2 Comments A+ a-

Why you shouldn't waist time spending time with free opportunities online, how people fail at doing just so and lose their appetite for blogging and what to follow to succeed.

Lots of bloggers, especially newbies, would always seem a bit dampened when considering whether they should or shouldn't use free resources and tools online to start making money on the internet. ‘Why pay anyone anything?’ they would tend to think – opposed to and when they simply can just use ways to make money for free.  So ‘Use free resources to make money now’, would come as an answer first handed.  And almost immediately.

It's not the internet's fault when you fail online

 There are literally hundreds of thousands of struggling internet marketers - simply because they're not following a plan and sticking with it. Instead they would keep with their decision to jump from one to the other opportunity all at once, often too soon.

What most people don't know is that free money sources might be the slowest ways to make any money at any time. That is the deadly outcome of choice.

I have seen so many marketers on the internet whereby they state that one can make money overnight like $1000 or if you need any money right now, you'll get it with a super easy way without any work that you need to do. . . Or something like that. Most often they'd lure you into the sale with sweet words every possible person that's in dire need for money would most likely fall for. What you find in this is that these bloggers or internet marketers don't WANT to tell you what his opportunity is about or how exactly you're going to make so much money within one day. (But believe it or not, it's not really possible to make $1000 when you don't know much about marketing – chances are most people fail, fail and fail at even making $1 the entire time of being online –whether that is failing within months or years.)

For a while you perhaps didn't know what I was talking about, where I 'm going at with what I'm saying –and what that have in common on what this post is all about. Well, it's quite simple. I have just reminded newbies and bloggers (and maybe even you) over why people aren't that keen on purchasing things online with the mindset of turning their investment into some kind of profit.

These days, branding have become one of the single most recognized ways in order to gain trust – and the internet marketing world are even getting fiercer by each day; while making lesser sales people always tend to over-promote their products to their customers .  . . To their customers? Yes, to their customers. These are the people constantly looking for ways to find answers whereby they can save their assets that's run into foreclosure or simply wanting to expand their financial baskets. But then always will you find the guys with their glossy websites, over-selling their products in false promises, thus attempting to try and gain cheap sales.

This is the REASON why customers/newbies turn to free ways to make some money off the internet.

Where are YOU heading to? Ever think about that?

Failing point 1: You might waste your whole lifess time

There are lots of bloggers and lots of newbies online that certainly have no idea how important it is to plan ahead. PLANNING is so important and comes in handy so essentially that it compactly configures how ‘fast’ you will reach success. And so ORGANIZING does go hand in hand with that. Imagine you work at something all the time but you never work full heartedly at it and you keep being stuck in the middle of nowhere? This is where lots of bloggers find their selves. What is the reason you started with what you started? Was it what you wanted? How far are you going to get with what you're doing? Are you limited at what you're doing?

Failing point 2: Free programs are restrictions

Imagine you're using the free version of WordPress ( as a way of getting a blog (a website) for yourself online. For free. And after some time after one year passed, you suddenly realize your blog gained a good Google reputation over the past long year (thus meaning that you are ranking very well in Google even if you didn't quite planned at doing that) – and one day when you get there again you get a message saying that: "This blog has been suspended for violating our services"?

What do you do when this happens? Or what do you do when you realize because of your website (blog) ranking so well in Google (just for the fact that it have been online for a year) – you decide you want to start utilizing it and make some money off of it (like putting ads on it)? You're going to be petrified when you realize that in fact the blog don't belong to you – and that you will need to start all over again to do what you want to do . .  . Then you try and gain a short cut to make use of another free blogging service that seems to rank quickly into the search engines. You try and work at creating a lens at

What's your reason again? You'd suffer wasting time on someone else's site restricting you from your freedom of doing anything you'd like with it by deciding: ‘You’re going to do it because Squidoo ranks ‘quick’.

One day, after another year you'd finally get the message: "This lens has been locked". Just when you actually started to make something online . . .

Failing point 3: It's a way to lose appetite for success

Simply put, people who don't keep looking for something honest and real online while ignoring the heaps of “lots of money within a jiffy” programs and opportunities – always seem to go in hunt for “FREE”. It's important to realize that you aren't exactly reaching the goals you first wanted to when ‘trying out’ free money things. This suggests that you chose the second option from your options of solving your problem or reason why you turned to the internet in the first place. At the end of the day, you'll most likely lose your entire focus from the excited mood and endeavors you would've had in the first place.

The most important keys at making money off the internet, is to forcefully work at being constant at what you're doing. But then you'll need to know that whenever you're going to spend all of your precious time in your endeavors – which you are certain nothing is going to take that work that you have worked on for such a long time – away from you.

The only possible reason at getting that right is to cover yourself not with something that you got for free. Be so careful for free online. It's cheap. So cheap it might destroy your online career.