How to get lots of money now when needed today?

8:19 AM 1 Comments A+ a-

Need lots of money now? Make immediate income even while unemployed with these sources helping you getting money into Paypal, Payza same day – killing your hunt for how to make money fast on the internet.

The world has never been in a crisis as it is in right now. People were even better off in 1929 when the great depression hit – so that isn’t nearly comparable to today. Living costs, just to mention, increased and more than ten folded in the last 70 years. Now, with that, there have never been so many unemployed people in the history of mankind.

Desperate, frustrated people all around the world constantly runs around in total panic and havoc, trying to figure out how they’ll sort out their financial woes by obtain a way to make more money and different money through different ways. . . But the question always remains at the back of their heads: How the hell did everything came to what it is like in the first place?

There are bountiful of ways to make money with online, and even you know that (because there should be) – but it always seems as if there’s that dead end again.  You’ve been struggling, searching, tweaking, trying so hard – but it’s like there’s really no place online that can tell you how to simply just get out of your money grip. I mean, is it so much asked to just get the info that is needed for you to just do what you need to perform to get that money? I mean – are you the only one in the entire world in the stressful money situation you are in? Aren’t there supposed to be literally millions of others as well?

It’s enough to make you feel lonely, worsening your state and self-confidence – and appetite for life. As no matter how high or low you would search – it would seem as if all your questions remain unnoticed or ignored.

Surely you have heard about free Squidoo, Hubpages and dozens of other web 2.0 websites where you could earn money through affiliate and Google Adsense revenue. Yes, it’s all good and it’s free – but those methods takes months to fulfill merely pocket money – as does blogging, based on the same principle: to make organic money by writing.

This is pointless, especially when that pesky word organic pops up; it’s a money earning method that suddenly has no concern in your current state of life! As each time you’ll need to work on something that’s going to be organic – you’ll need to trade your precious time for it – as organic literally mean naturally and over a period of time. Oh, and that could be 10’s of lots of patient weeks.

To crown your situation restless and unsuccessful – you’ll realize at the end of the day that no matter what you are trying to do online – 99.9% of ALL ways to make money with whether easy and simple or not – it’s going to be organic. Or you’ll simply need to pay for advertising online. Pay with a capital P – and that’s just as good as visiting the casino.
So is there really, honestly, truthfully actually a way to just START making money online without wasting another day?

Yes, of course there are ways to get you out of your mess. The sad thing is this: it’s ONLY realistic to start making smaller amounts of money online initially when you have little or no money to begin with – rather than expecting to make huge cash from the very beginning. Bigger amounts will follow the smaller ones – and that should be logical.

Possibly two out of every five people in the world right now as we speak are in the exact same boat you are in – and what you could do for starters is to seriously learn from those who managed to get their feet back on shore again -  while you are still trying to weather the storm.

Whether you want to listen to me or believe me or not when I say that you will unfortunately need to show some patience and dedicated willingness in order to break through the barrier of your stubborn situation with force – those that have found success will only tell you the exact same thing.

The purpose of this article is that I obviously want to share with you something that could instantly make you a few dollars per day (and that’s almost 100% guaranteed) – but more importantly I want to sit still with you and tell you something perhaps you’re not aware of at all – and perhaps just that might be the cause of why you don’t start making cash yet. That might be because you haven’t yet started to honestly try hard enough with whatever you’ve invested your time or money in previously.

What I really want to share with you, though, is that you should be very aware about logic. Logic in the sense that: there are more than 250 million blogs alone in the world – just to take an example. What does this tell you? It tells of hundreds of millions of people that are all trying to make some kind of income online, and don’t create these websites necessarily for social reasons.

What am I saying (and keep preaching) with this?

It’s normal to fail. 

To put things in a better perspective: maybe there was never even failure before. Who said you’re failing or failed? Just because you didn’t make a buck online yet, don’t mean you have failed. I think most people get that wrong and they are focused entirely on the wrong things all of the time.

When they create websites, aren’t they starting them? So obviously that should mean that the beginning of this thing, anything, in life start from nothing out of something formless. And then it grows into something with form. Sometimes it gets big – sometimes humongous. But when it only grows unto something smaller – it doesn’t mean all is lost or that anything failed!

People fail because they have CERTAIN EXPECTATIONS of everything in life all of the time.

So what’s more important for you to know and to be aware about isn’t the failure (which isn’t even there because it’s the beginning process). Rather become aware of the gap between the so called failure – and success. In other words: how fast are you reaching success? There is only one word which is that gap. It’s knowledge.  How much you’ll know about a specific thing in life is going to carry you in all situations of life and will determine the outcome. Whether specific things will be difficult or easier for you to handle. It’s all locked up in knowledge – and then perhaps that experiences of wisdom.

O the internet, knowledge is crucial. Just having the wrong type could actually make you fail: and that is when you approach things wrongly and give up. Giving up is the only guaranteed failing point in life – there is no other! So ask the real question to yourself: Have you honestly started with a way to make money with and stick with it for long? Were you dedicated to it to work? If lots of others are successful with it - all that would remain would be you as the problem.

Solve that by being honest with yourself.

Here is the list of four things you can do that will be able to make you daily money – and sometimes immediately (within hours) as well. This is by using existing sites. Leveraging the traffic (customers) from those websites to profit some smaller amounts of money – instead of dreaming about lots of money from starting point.

Believe me; it’s possible to make $200 (or more) per day without giving out money – but logic remains you’ll need to work until you sweat blood. Are you willing to go that far already?

So relax, and start at the very beginning, taking small steps, today before going any further. And who knows what happens tomorrow?

Some of these four ways are indeed easy to perform practically, while those requiring some kind of small investment, would probably be easiest.

My first and foremost two better recommendations to give you a few dollars’ head start.
Make money with ebooks and digital stores

You’d  be amazed at how much people keep buying ebooks and other digital ware every single day. It’s almost really as if it’s going out of business. And one would’ve thought that that’s just a say thing. For that reason, thousands of smart people don’t put up their downloadable goods on digital stores for nothing. Audio files, resellable software, items, ebook on a galore of different things, advice in an electronic format etc. etc.

With the utilization of 10 or so of these digital stores, it would increase your chances at making a few sales each day with whatever you have on these sites.
  • Getting exposure from the countless of targeted people on these sites that are obviously there to buy and in the mood for it

  • Get everything stored on such sites, while you don’t worry about delivery of your files and product/ebooks when people buy from you. Everything is automated.

  • Most digital stores’ sales go directly into Paypal etc. accounts (daily money)

  • This is a good way if you don’t have good technical skill to hunt and search for people to look at whatever you’re selling; you’ll need no intervention on your side – everything’s automated

  • You will only need a few hours to upload all the files to different stores initially
  • After that,because of this almost 100% automated way to make money with, you’ll only need about 1hour per week to check on things while you could be able to earn money into your Paypal,Payza etc. daily while getting everything done automatically

How do you get these software or things to sell?

Make money with any product or service on Fiverr

If you’ll really be desperate enough to do anything known under the sun in exchange for a few $5 over and over again – you’ll probably join a service marketplace like Fiverr. There people do all kinds of things for $5, and sometimes, it’s that funny and hilarious that people actually pay for silly services for the bit of amusement around it.

So think about anything you’re good at doing, and avail that on Fiverr. If you have money to invest in automated software that could solve problems in minutes, you could make heaps of money.Markets like the blogosphere appreciated software services about auto blogging, auto content generation, backlink blasts etc. all of the time. But there are unlimited software programs you can use to benefit yourself financially. If you’re good with Adobe software, as an example, you can make cash with your creativity.

On Fiverr – you have your imagination as key to your solution of making a few extra dollars per day – and you can make money without money over there.

While some people do all kinds of things, like shaving their beard and recording it for $5 isn’t going to be a sustainable way to get money. Focus on things that will cost you 10 times less to what you are going to earn if you’re going to spend any money for your gig on Fiverr, as well. I would suggest providing things that will take you 10-15 minutes at most to perform one service. Otherwise it’s not going to be worthwhile to do it for $5 if it’ll take longer.

  • It might be challenging getting a lot of customers to buy your gigs

  • You might gain exposure by advertising your services for free on forum sites. This could take some time off your chest and you’ll need to be patient to get positive results from these places
  • You can also be smart enough and optimize your gig’s page each time with a keyword rich title, while the actual description contains words people are search for on Google and other search engines
  • You will need some great deal of time to make money on Fiverr, unless you can think of a way to get lots of people to your services. Maybe you can buy exposure everyday through a $5 service that will send an ad to over 10,000 of classified sites. That would be smart, as you’ll surely get a few hundred people to your services
  • Overall would you need to perform your services meaning you could spend 3-6 hours online per day with Fiverr

  • You will not be able to payout daily with Fiverr exactly - but there are similar websites as the more popular which would pay you out daily. (You don’t get $5 directly to your Paypal as sometimes it could take a day or two for you to complete tasks/ gigs).

To learn more go to the article about making money with Fiverr

Make money through Online Forums

There are but a few online forums where people are making money with all of the time. One of these forum sites is most probably the most known one on the internet: Digitalpoint forums.

It’s the biggest forum online to buy, sell and trade different things there. Websites, ebooks, and certain services – you name it.

  • You can utilize the section where people stagnates at all of the time – non-stop. A lot of members there provide things for super cheap at $5 or less – while they sometimes ask for others to complete tasks for $0.10, $0.50, $1, and $2 and sometimes more

  • It’s going to be a bit difficult to get things really sold on Forum sites. Unless you give out review copies (allowing some to see what your product or service is about while they will state more or less whether it’s good, great or bad) you’re going to make a sale very seldom

  • It could also take you a lot of more hours than though, but sometimes when you’re selling something for very cheap or the service is unbelievably great, people will flock and you could make $100 or even more in one single day.

To learn more about this go to the article about how to make money with Digitalpoint and other forums.

Make money with articles you just wrote

There are unthinkable amount of lots of websites where you can make money with by writing articles and sell them. Like the very popular Constant content way of making money. But this method isn’t about that. There are literally thousands of bloggers that would love for you to write for them. You’re not going to get a great deal out of it though – but it would surely be a much uncomplicated way to make lots of money quick. OK. Maybe not that much. Most would probably pay you $10 per article if you’re doing a great job.

I must admit – I will never write an article for someone else for just $10. I mean, I could make $1 a day with advertising revenue with that one article per day – and thus about three times as much benefit of it over a period of a month.

But if you really need money now and need it fast – you’ll do this because you’ll be desperate enough

  • Just perform a search on Google on “Write for us” followed by a keyword for example health blog etc. and you’ll come off to all the blogs that will pay you for writing for them
  • It’s much less uncomplicated to earn money with this way even though the return wouldn’t be that great. If you can write 5 stunning articles – someone will buy one of it for at least $10, making you $50 per day just to get you through the most difficult time until it gets better?

If you’re still feeling stressed and depressed – read this article about even newspapers in today’s world that are struggling to make money and ends meet. One would have thought that they are the things that carry the news and that people in recession keeps an eye on how things go.

If none of the five ideas above will do it for you -

listed by one of the top 10 blogs in the world. Even though the list is gathered back in 2007 all of the ways to make money with still stands. Some would be familiar, while most could actually help you out big time – all are based on doing some very hard things to make money, though. Just go through them all, decide what you want to do and stick with it real hard.

Don’t jump from one opportunity to another. Spend time with it and you will reach success.
Other sources:

  • Perhaps this might have been around for some time (more than a year) but in case you didn’t know it, you can also make money with Youtube.

Lastly if you don’t want to believe anything I’m saying in this article about your attitude, at least believe people who’ve been online for longer than I have been and take into account what they have to say. People like Steve Pavlina. In his article about how to make money during a recession - he's consistency talking about this specific thing about how and if people are creating delivering value. It speaks of again how your attitude can drastically impact any successes you'll make online - or even in life itself. Although this article was written almost exactly two years ago - that truth within would still stand two hundreds years and beyond.

There is one thing you must remember always and always and it is this: anything in life is going to be determined at how willing you’ll be and upon the practical performance of what you're going to make out of it. That’s the only way anything ever happens.

Good luck and go well.

How to make ends meet with Fiverr

4:25 AM 5 Comments A+ a-

While not exactly making $3,000 a month with Fiverr alone online – you could make free money without money –  Fiverr’s in its own words: Is a place where people are willing to do all kinds of things for $5.

In my own findings – the world of Fiverr is a burgeoning market, bustling with the most fun, interesting, outrageously redefined ideas – and at the same time a profitable concept that shouldn’t be kept under-thought.

What exactly are these ideas?

Fiverr is an intuitive marketplace for anyone to offer virtually any kind of service you can possibly think about for $5. It’s more than just an ordinary Freelancer , Guru or the very popular Elance – sites where people turn to for looking for other people that can do certain tasks for them . . .

Fiverr is that – and a whole lot more. It’s a place where you can outsource all of your very tedious tasks – for just $5.

So why would you want to go elsewhere where the same service could cost you $50 to do?

There are many people posting blog and seo-related services like blog commenting and doing profile backlink blasts (normally 3000, 5000 and sometimes 7000 backlinks) for just $5. That kind of service would be related to my own website and niche, off course – but there are thousands of other niches. On the contrary, there are more services than just everything under the sun: There are things people would do for $5 that paves forward new markets and unthought-of ideas – they are all there.

The hilarious gigs (services) on its own turn should not to be mistaken about or taken lightly. Who would think about a service where people state: I will write your name on my forehead for 10 hours and record it – for $5. Or: I will write your name on a grain of rice and it to you in beautifully wrapped paper via post – for $5?
All kinds of gigs available on Fiverr like this one: Inking your name on a grain of rice for $5!

I have also once stumbled upon a student that would like to graduate in art, who offered his service that he’ll do a HAND sketch of your face from a photo and upload it in high resolution for $5?

All these ideas, at the end of the day, are a balanced, sustainable and reliable way to make money.  But most of the time, Fiverr, and the concept of it itself, aid as the answer to an urgent call of just making ends meet for aplenty on its site.

Take the art student as an example. He could’ve advertised in a local newspaper that he offers such services to do sketches. He would’ve needed to pay the newspaper for the classified ad – and not nearly reached a satisfactory amount of buyers or interested people.

Instead he joined and immediately posted what he’s good at doing for free – while his gig(s) are indexed in Google and other search engines within an hour – morphing the way for possibly thousands to immediately see this service – and at just $5 – could instantly decide to order it.

If this student succeeds at successfully completing at least 10 orders a day the money actually cold help him out a lot.
So how can you also start to make money with Fiverr?

Starting to make money utilizing this existing site instead of having one of your own COULD help you out immediately. It’s not going to cost you one bit – and if you join them right now you might even get your order within the first hour or two.

But looking at Fiverr at a more serious perspective taken into account all factors:

What do you have to offer people to start a gig of you own over there? Is it something that is already over saturated already or is it something that still have a space left for you?

If you have something quite naturally defined – either it’s going to be something very hilarious (people like those kind of gigs and will instantly order a lot from you) or it’s going to be something that’s going to save them endless of time.

You need to choose between those two. Hilarious service might take a strain off you and it’s not really going to be a sustainable way for yourself to benefit out of it. Take the ‘grain of rice’-example. That person will need money to get rice, perhaps a special pen to write someone’s name on it – and lastly the paper that the rice is being wrapped in – not to mention the posting costs involved!

You will sure get a load of orders from that – but it might be more time consuming than benefiting you anything financially.

If you are able to perform a service where you can take tons of hours off others’ shoulders – you are obviously only going to get that right with software.

For example: do you perhaps have software that could post 50,000 advertisements on free classified sites with just a flick or a button?

People are going to fall in love with you. And surely they might even write about you. Recommending your service to their friends.

Do you have software like Adobe Photoshop and you know a lot of doing remarkable things with it?

You’ll be loved by the masses. And because of it being software – you’ll not spend any money to come up with what you can, right?

Do you perhaps have a software product that can post 1000’s of backlinks to whois and stats websites? That will help many new websites to get indexed within hours – what about an auto profile blaster software that puts links on 1000’s of different profile pages with just a few buttons that you enter?

There tons of software on the market that would surely save a lot of people’s time – but not everyone could afford them.

If you can buy it for $150 or $300 once off – you would surely be able to rake in thousands of dollars over a period of time. And that’s not joking. That’s called logic.

But while isn’t exactly entirely free – it does give you total free access to make money. Fiverr only claims 20% of the money you make (in other words they always deduct $1 from every $5 you make) – but who would want to moan about that?

So go ahead and join this revolution at Who knows. Maybe you’ll make more money than people who’s been in it for longer than you.

Getting small drops of money daily from articles

7:37 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

On countless occasions you have probably stumbled upon numerous articles and blog posts, videos and aplenty other resources for what you had typed into Google or another search engine. Well, what you also came across was nothing other than information. Or content. And if you didn’t know it by know – content makes money.

Today there are unlimited ways to even start making money with your content. That content could either be in the form of video, photos, music files and pdf files – however the dominating and most important content form remain written articles or posts. Information in the form of written words that is being picked up by the search engines for when people make a search on Google, Bing or Yahoo is important for blog owners or website masters as it brings traffic to their blogs or sites – and that means money.

The basic way in which bloggers make money remain ‘advertising revenue’. There more than 20 established ways to make money with advertisements on a blog, the most notably PPC – which the blogger is getting paid at a ‘pay-per-click’ basis. Thus each time someone clicks on an advertisement on a site or blog – someone could be paid $0.01, $0.10, $1 or sometimes even $10 per click.

Bloggers make sustainable amounts of money to their blogs as long as they keep getting sustainable traffic to it. And for that to work – they simply must get free traffic from the search engines.

Today there are also countless of websites (as well as blogs) to write for and get directly paid such as Constant Content; to write articles on and be a member of such a site in aid of backlinks or traffic as a direction to a specific landing page such as Ezine Articles. The basic reason for this is for benefits such as clicking on ads of a site, getting subscriptions to a blog – or even making direct sales from there.

Then there off course other article sites and places to write for such as Content Caboodle and Associated Content, Ehow etc.

There are even websites such as Hubpages and Squidoo which are of the popular web 2.0 sites where you can create an informative, interesting ‘lens’ or ‘hub’ and in the so doing get a share of revenue from any of the money earned from Google Adsense from these sites.

There are also other web 2.0 platforms such as and where you can create a free blog. Add video, pictures – adding as much content to those site (although you won't be able to make money with these free blogs though).

If you keep searching over the internet – I am utmost sure that you will also come across thousands and thousands of very good blogs that will pay you to write articles and blog posts. What you can do is to type in the words “Write for us” in Google. You will get endless of websites and blogs to write for. And be paid through Paypal, Payza - or basically any way in which you would want to be paid.

To your success.

How to get bags of cash from Constant Content

8:43 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Populated by the most talented writers and renowned for the best quality of written artwork online, Constant Content is by far the internet’s most sophisticated, trusted and respected content marketplace to buy and sell your unique content.

If you are someone who’s good at coming up with insightful; enchanting; constructively persuasive content – you are need by literally hundreds of thousands of small firms and companies, bloggers and website master at a constant basis – and they wanted that articles by yesterday already! And you should be in a hurry as there are enormous fluxes of individuals who are standing ready with cash in their hands to get at you.

If you know you are an unbelievably talented writer that might be able to write fluent articles, without spelling mistakes and with the most perfect sentence structures – Constant Content is your answer and you need to hurry to them. But be warned. There are numerous people submitting their articles and blog posts to Constant Content for review to put it on their site for sale – and eventually get their articles rejected.

Let this not be an issue and down turn to you! The reason is that Constant Content constantly keep a high standard of quality in the reward to leave an over satisfactory  feeling to its customers over and over again – that’s why they keep coming back.

Things you need to know about Constant Content before submitting.

There are a few freelance writers that hate sites and companies like Constant Content for the very reason that they ask such a hefty fee when they as the writers are actually doing all the hard work and get very little reward for it.

Constant Content asks a 35% commission from sales of anything that sell on their site. You who would be the owner of that particular intellectual property will get the 65%. That really sounds too much too many people – or only at first hand. If you decide to sell an article for $50 – you get $32, while Constant Content will be getting $17.50

There are a lot of people that are exactly selling their written work at these prices, while some under price it at just $5-$15 – in the very hope of getting a lot more sales, off course.

You really don’t need to go that low to get something sold on Constant Content.

Let’s take a look at some benefits at Constant Content:

  • Unlike marketplaces for content such as Odesk and the likes where prices are predetermined for you, you can decide to sell your articles AT ANY PRICE YOU WISH at Constant Content.

  • You can answer public or private requests.

With answering public requests it is meant that you can reply to customers looking for specific articles. Constant Content will be sending you emails daily to the email address you gave them when you have signed up as a free member, and notify you of all the requests of potential customers that want specific articles on a specific subject – and sometimes they might give the specific headline or title as well.

With answering private requests is when someone specifically asks you to write an article for them. This could be that they have clicked on your profile and like the subjects of articles you write about or that they had purchased previous articles from you and was very satisfied with the high quality of article you carved out.

Things to look on for passing Constant Content’s review process:

Before you ever submit to Constant Content it is important that you read through your article over and over. Even if it would mean that you will need to go through it 100 times. Check not just your spelling – but also your sentence structures. Sometime when even your paragraphs are too long – you get a rejection.

Remember – Constant Content’s review process for a quality article bypasses even that of Ezine Articles’ review process tenfold. Your article will be sold – and Constant Content’s reputation is on talks here. Your article thus must be perfect!

Before you submit, read their guidelines on article submission again – and make sure you are credible. Also go through the Writer’s Guidelines and Writer’s Tutorial before you submit your very first article for approval.

A good thing will always be to write at least 10 articles in the first two or three weeks – in aid of building up your profile. One thing that’s important to the customers who would want to buy articles is that they will need to see who the person is who they’d want to buy an article from  - and what articles he or she have written before. Thus do upload a picture of you and write something purposeful related to your work as a writer.

All these things might sound a bit complicated and difficult – but believe me the moment you start doing all the needed things you need to do – you’ll be making money. And that’s actually all that would be counting for you in the first place.

Usually it takes 3 articles with Constant Content to bypass their strictest approval process. Then you’re through and everything could go much faster. (Normally an approval review could take 3-4 days.)

Seeing to it that there are so many people that don’t really mind about the prices of $50-$250 per article – you can make an outright great big deal of money there. With articles that are always popular such as those in relationships, parenting, seo, the make money online niche, business, finance and health – you shouldn’t need to have a problem getting sales from Constant Content.

So go and create an account today, and tell me how you are doing there.

How to continuously profit from ebooks + Digital Stores

7:32 AM 4 Comments A+ a-

If you fail at affiliate marketing in every possible way and are bad at writing masterpieces for content or articles to profit in this way as well – chances are that you’re really not going to make money on the internet at all. I don’t want to be pessimistic – but face it. It would be understandable in not being able to have that special thing for writing, but other than that – it takes serious of continuous of hard work with marketing or promoting products on the internet – before even reaping $1 out of it. Do you agree?

From the thousands of ways that one can make money on the internet, it’s still going to pretty much remain the same as to how you would be making money in the traditional world. And by that – I mean the real world we are living in, off course. That thing is: commodity. Someone who can buy. If that thing (person) won’t be there – money isn’t going to be there. It’s simple. It’s logical. On the internet, lots and lots of people struggle and fail – because they can’t get people to see whatever they are promoting.

With Digital Stores offering you the opportunity to sell digital downloads through them – is like money offered to you on a platter. Can you guess why? They have the traffic. You have the product. You just need to trade your duplicatable products for money . . . How fascinating, isn’t it?

What are probably very ongoing great sellers, are ebooks. Caught within those digital pages are information that people just want to get their hands on. Whether it’s just another said brilliant way to make money; about how to get your relationship up back and running again; whether about how to keep your pets healthy – or how to burn those fats within a few days just before your Christmas holiday in Australia. Ebooks are knock-out sellers all the time. But with one or two ebooks you won’t be making money upfront, just like that. In fact even if it were to be a very popular ebook – you might still not make a sale.

Not even while selling it on digital stores as I say?

No. The simple thing to come off to why this is so: Just use your logic. What does logic tell you? If you can’t think of anything upstairs there, well, let me just list two inbound details:

1 By trying to sell one ebook, will dramatically decrease your chances to make sales

2 By selling a popular ebook for a lot of money, you will actually work at nullifying your chances at making a sale.

With utilizing Digital stores – you can only fully benefit from it if you’re really going to be active in it. Sorry to say if you might be someone who don’t have the time or are looking for a TOO easy way to make money on the internet!

Digital stores can let you earn anything from $1-$100 every day. That, logically, is going to dependant on how much ebooks you have stored within their databases.  If you’ll be blessed enough to have 20,30 or 50 ebooks that are interesting, expensive and deemed to sell, thrown on at least 5 different stores – logically –  you will have 100’s of chances to make sales . . .

Ha! Don’t get excited just too soon. Simply by having many ebooks on more than one store is not optimally going to skyrocket the chances of you making sales and more sales every single day.

So what exactly would that be?

That, my Friend is called . . .  Guess what? It’s called logic. Mind me talking about logic all the time – but you really need it to survive online.

Just think about it for a minute. People, and even you, everyone would want expensive products or programs or the best thing that is on the market – but they don’t exactly want to pay the market price for it.

By selling your ebooks for less than their average price on the internet – you will make people want to flee to you for whatever the name of your ebook(s) are. That’s the magic. But make it even more dramatic. If people don’t know what the prices of your items are – show them. Make them understand that yours are very much more affordable versus other people who sell the exact same thing as you do. Usually this creates the atmosphere that your potential buyers don’t have any time to even think about it: They’ll just buy your product! Who is going to leave something when you know it costs $50 and $60 elsewhere and they can instantly get it at $5 or $6?

If you don’t quite understand what I’m talking about – see here at my post about how to make money without lifting a finger.

How to start making money off of Digital Stores

I don’t know many places where you can sell digital products for absolutely free for the first 30 days, other than Payloadz. Usually stores such as E-junkie and Tradebit ask a fee upfront. So I suggest you try out this way to make money with. I do have a few Resell Rights Programs at my post about making money shockingly easy with Payloadz and ebooks that you may resell for full profits and for cheaper.

There are also other digital stores such as Cerizmo, Bubdee and Modularmerchant where you can sell. In fact there are probably 100’s of them. But do choose only about 10 of them and concentrate at giving as much details about your ebooks to other.

At the end of the day, let me know whether you are making a daily $10-$50 from your flawless way of making money without the need to go look for people.

Global brand Twitter to outgrow growth Forecasts

4:42 AM 3 Comments A+ a-

Just like Facebook used to be a financially struggling company, Twitter was never any better off. Came 2010, it became light that Facebook got the green light for being financially sound – for the first time – whilst an impressive revenue future is waving. Now, the same good following is about to hit Twitter as traffic growth and Twitter-awareness continue to boom non-stop – beyond forecasts and expectations.

The website grew from being ranked globally by the Alexa Company as the 11th most visited site to the 9th biggest in the world – with the short timeframe of a mere month. With this, Twitter kicked Microsoft’s search portal,, out of the top 10 to the 11th place – and left the world’s biggest gaming site,, behind at the 10th position. Within just a month. All this, while stagnated at the 11th position in the world for at least half a year.

As more and more data reveal that over 40 corporations fall into bankruptcy every single day, many smaller companies either remain deeply indebted or keep struggling to keep business afloat, the cause of less business revenue flowing through. A solution to this worrisome state of business doesn’t seem to lie far at resolving, though. It appears that while the world is in a grip of recession and a prolonged crisis; the internet is a bustling and blossoming world that keeps attracting people like a magnet to it. It becomes clear to realize that the very same commodity of business in the traditional world, the masses of people, is continually migrating to the internet.

It is internet companies such as Twitter that heavily benefit from this. Even those new to ‘internet-consciousness’ , this evolution that’s taking place, who don’t know anything about the internet, often discovers what the web could provide them through Google and social media like Facebook and Twitter. Thus even before going anywhere more and more people from all continents are brought closer to each other via these communication tools such as Twitter. This has become an invitation to companies throughout the world to take advantage of this opportunity of the importance to migrate their business to the internet and optimally utilizing the functions of social networking services such as Twitter in aid as a powerful communication tool between companies and consumers; spurred off by customers who could ask their friends around the web for recommendations and opinions about various products and services from various companies.

Today millions of corporations are already active on Twitter, including the most smallest entrepreneurial businesses out there to even government organizations and broadcasting corporations, artists, actors, the film industry – all right trough the bank. According to experts ‘tweeting’ or chatting/communicating in general with friends and acquaintances online – creates the exact same ‘relaxed atmosphere’ from the very ‘tense atmosphere’ of financial stresses you’re in – similar to the coffee-shop boom when the recession stroked in 2008 and people felt to just relax with a cup of coffee at a restaurant or coffee-shop.

Twitter’s revenue is also about to burst, unofficially, beyond the expected $150 million of revenue this year. Also seeing to it that more people are becoming conscious of the Twitter brand and more people, especially in Africa, are connecting via mobile phones instead of desktop computers. Lastly add to the fact that the internet is at the brink of reaching 2 Billion internet users – almost a third of the entire world’s population.

With all this said, it seems as if the speculated $1.5 Billion revenue of Twitter in 2013 isn’t that far out fetched.

In the light that managed to overpower two giant websites in the world in a single month, especially Microsoft’s that have been present with the modern internet as we know it, since the very beginning, and thus always been ranked and seen as one of the top ten sites in the world – it is arguable that could make its way pass Microsoft’s, replacing the site as the 5th most powerful site in the world in the not too distant future.

How to use Digitalpoint forums for quick cash

2:49 AM 10 Comments A+ a-

Digitalpoint forums are undoubtedly the biggest forum site when it comes to buying and selling things between ordinary internetarians – however it’s also a way to make big money when you only have $0.

Apart from the various forms that one can make money from Digitalpoint, like making money with Adsense revenue (you get a share of the advertising revenue raised from your posts), selling your Avatar space to others who might think that doing so could give them some traffic exposure - or even selling your ‘signature space’, ‘recent blog space’ and even ‘location space’ – you can actually make some real money selling directly.

The usual common ways of making money on Digitalpoint forums could even quite become a large variety with even including some other tasks such as commenting on blogs and be paid a few cents per comment; writing blog posts or articles; helping with website design . . . The list could go on. What one reads out of this, is that you can become a freelance worker there – but in reality, quite an underpaid one. You can really be doing anything, anything of service that you could possibly think of – on DP. However, especially getting paid ad revenue, signature links etc., it is dependent on how much posts you would have created/ made. A person with 1000 posts will obviously do quite fine at making some decent money - just for being such an active member on DP. Alas, what are the chances that one can up with the time to post so many threads?

If you would be creating an account with Digitalpoint today – and you really only have $0 : what are you going to do?

The first thing obviously, if you don’t have an account yet to receive money into, you will need to create an account with Paypal – which is the largest form of exchanging money throughout the internet. You could also request money with Alertpay and Moneybookers from the people that will need to pay you. Most members of DP actually do create different accounts for receiving money when doing different things – so just make sure they will be able to pay you through your choice of payment before considering taking on a job.

If you’ve got that covered: you’ll need to make your way through to the “Freebies” section.

The Freebies section

The Freebies section of Digitalpoint forums is where people interact with each other with giving out and asking for tasks and small jobs to do. In this section, just as it is referring to, is where you can also get free things or next to free items. This is where you will start at looking for small jobs to do to earn your first few dollars online! This could be blog commenting; help people to vote up stories such as Digg, Mixx, StumbleUpon, as well as linking someone’s stories clicking on Facebook ‘like’ buttons . . . There is going to be a lot of small jobs and thousands of people standing by for it – so be ready. You’ll most likely to be get paid something between $0.10 and $0.20 doing one task at a time that may take you 10 seconds or sometimes a minute or two.

Once you had generated enough money like $5 or $10 or $20 – do look for some ‘freebie’ or bargain items on the Forum or even somewhere else online. Most of the time, you won’t be getting out real value from just an ordinary software or product or information – unless it would be something that comes with ‘Resell Rights’ or ‘Master Resell Rights’.  Ever heard about those words? They are magical words! They can make you a ton of money over and over and over again. Besides, while you won’t be necessarily have a blog or website – these products won’t help you one bit. To solve this – you’ll need to resell your ebook(s)/software  - but it must have Resell Rights with it.

After you had made at least 10 posts on Digitalpoint Forums - you'll be ready to start utilising the most popular category inside DP: The 'Buy, Sell or Trade' one.
The popular Buy, Sell or Trade Category:

The Ebook section – how to make $100 a day with nothing but an ebook

If you by any chance succeeded at buying an ebook or two or three with the money you have earned . . . you’ll be lucky. Without a website (or blog) and no intelligent mind of a novice blogger who’s been online since a long time – you now have the opportunity to stick out your ebook and actually do something with it: making money.

One creative idea I figured out as a Digitalpoint member (but I wasn’t that smart at first doing this) was to NOT MENTION what my ebook was about.

I had been selling ebooks and random software programs on DP before but have never made $100 or more in one single day from it. Not until I did this. There are a lot of DP members who continuously do this by captivating their potential buyers in not telling them everything the ebook is about. It probably works for them all of the time – that’s why I wanted to see what this technique was all about. The results were that instead of making 3 or 4 sales, I easily made 20.

All that you basically do is to lure your audience with some fancy heading like: ‘How to get 500 PR7 backlinks in one week for free’.

This will cause reactions. People will swarm to that specific threat. They will reply by posting comments and posts, asking questions. You will never tell them everything. In fact, you never tell them nearly everything. You just make them more curious.

There will always be the ‘busy bodies’ in Digitalpoint Forums. The people whose foreheads are written on: ‘Review Copy’. Yes, a review copy is important – but I advice not to give it entirely for free. Ask them $1 or $2 for a review copy when you decide to sell your ebook for $10.

Eventually when you gave out review copies, which means that you gave a copy of the ebook to people who will be in turn reviewing your ebook, they will come back to the post after they would have read it and give their opinions about the ebook. Usually they will rate it from a score out of 10 as well.

It causes a tremendous response from those who are at this stage very, very curious.

As more reviews come through, while not yet revealing what the ebook that you are selling is about – curiosity will eventually kill the cat. In other words, you will be making easy peasy  sales.

If you had thought that it would be too hard at making real money on the internet even without a website and no money –you’ll just need to reapply your knowledge once more.  It just takes a little bit of effort and time – but it never needs to take a week or two to start making money online. Even while just being a Newbie.

How to create pieces of artwork for posts? Use PLR articles

4:32 AM 1 Comments A+ a-

If you’re not that good at writing or are bad at coming up with mind-blowing, unique ideas for content – just start looking around for PLR articles – and you’d be amazed at what you would be able to carve out of old dusty content.

PLR (Private Label Rights) articles are common to be published, usually, by what I would refer to as desperate bloggers and webmasters in need for content – and I don’t even need to mention why – but I’m going to anyway. It’s to generate as much advertisement revenue as possible from it.

In an internet world driven by content and information – every blog or website must regain continuous of these, in order to survive and keep getting a sustained amount of traffic. Content is thus the lifeblood of a blog and can’t exist without it. Take everything away – and the site dies. No-one visits it – and it becomes of no use. Seed it with lots and lots of overflowing content – and it flourishes.

Every blogger and webmaster knows about this story. That’s exactly why some of them would even go about doing lots of unwanted or unimpressive things to save them at getting content easier and cheaper ultimately in the hope to spare them the time and effort to do next to nothing. . . Are you one of those bloggers?

The most common, odd advice I would like to give you is to settle down. Relax. And to start from scratch all over again. This time at a much slower and organic pace – all in all to build up the ‘reputation’ of your blog.

Go and do a search for PLR articles online related to your niche, whether about blogging or whether about gardening. Mostly you will come off of websites where you will need to pay for these articles. That’s not a bad thing, in fact: I strongly suggest you actually do pay to buy them. Usually these articles would come in ‘packs’ of 10,20,25,50,100 even 1000’s. Seeing to it that they are so affordable – it is not even mentionable that you should go for those bigger packages such as 500 or 1000 that will only cost you $5 or $10. Just make sure on whether you buy that what would be within your niche. For whatever package you would be deciding on, at a per article basis it’s probably going to cost you $0.01 or less.

Most novice bloggers might not totally agree with me on all I say here that PLR articles might be one way to further trigger your ideas for writing. It’s a total fact that these type of articles, widely distributed and largely free to everyone, would give your blog any standout presence – neither is it to help improve building your blog’s reputation for that matter. In fact, in most cases they would tend to be so bad that one can hardly call it an ‘article’.

At first, that’s exactly why I advise you to rather buy these articles, instead of looking for a free one – to make sure that you’ll sort the bad ones from the good ones right in the first place. Logically, these would just be good-for-nothing weeds growing on hundreds of other websites.

Secondly – I’m not suggesting (and never did) that you should ‘publish’ these articles you buy! I’m merely coming up with an idea here on how you can let your creative juices flowing again.

Don’t you think it’s one way to at least try it out: Paying $0.01 for per idea? Off course you’re really not going to like every article. But it’s about the insights, the ideas locked up within those articles.

Who knows? Maybe you’ll be able to really carve something quite unique from those articles. It might even create unthought-of unique content opportunities rarely being discussed by even novice bloggers . . .

Shouldn’t we be more conscious about the outer world?

7:46 AM 1 Comments A+ a-

Just yesterday as I was walking towards a parking bay on my way home, I was passing a tramp, and at a distance, he was waving and screaming at me: “Just wait there, just wait there!” Almost as if giving me an order. And yes. I froze. Stood still. But being unsure. As while this tramp nears me, his friend, further away also comes closer. They seemed tempered; at the same time in rags and tatters. And yet still. I immediately felt a bit threatened by this homeless neglected middle-aged man’s informal approach. A bit drunk, but with a strong body-build for someone who rarely gets something good to eat – not to be mistaken about. Suddenly I became aware of his hand suspiciously “hidden” in his pocket and his odd body language. Perhaps a knife he is hiding and just wait at the right moment to do what he needs to do?, I asked myself quite anxiously as the other one also came closer.

“I don’t have any money”, I said in haste and became in a hurry myself. He stopped me again, and then politely asked me: “Don’t you have a R2 for me. I don’t have any bread – I live on the streets.”

As he talked a daily routine, I realized, I only then at that instant moment also became aware of how bulgy my wallet stood in the left pocket of my jeans, and quickly tried to hide it with my sweater, my silver watch on my arm.

“Please, we won’t hurt you.” the other one replied as the first still talked non-stop. I asked questions such as Why do you live on the streets? And Why are you not living at your double story house anymore? “I don’t have any money.”, I replied in finality, anyway. “No, I’m not lying.”

Should I just give the R2 to these people just so that they can see I have more? Will they grab my wallet at this time . . . Will giving them what they want let them learn that they will need to work for themselves? . . .

At the intrusion of my thoughts, a hand came out of the pocket of the man who approached me first. There was no knife. In fact. He looked even more . . . Desperate? For food? Or was it sympathy they had sought? Or was that vulnerability? Did they fell vulnerable? To whom? Vulnerable to their selves? Of life?

“I don’t have any money.”

This incident urged me to realize how vulnerable, in conclusion, we all as human beings really are. And how desperately we need each other more than our worldly possessions. Of how we must also, at the same time, become more aware of the things that we can prevent in our future life. Because it’s only us. We decide how we want to live our lives. Then we are also fully responsible for whatever happens alongside and inside of our lives.

I cannot give anyone the blame if it would have came that I was mugged. Because I didn’t really thought about the fact that I can get mugged. I can’t say it would’ve been anyone else’s fault when I would have lost my credit card and debit cards and never took the time to plan and write down all those details down and store it in a safe place.

At the end of the day, we must become aware of the things around us. The little things we cannot see with our fast bypassing lives.

Make abundant money with affiliate marketing

9:36 AM 2 Comments A+ a-

Apart from making money through blogging, affiliate marketing is one of the most common ways to make staggering amounts of profits from the internet and one of the easiest sources to get money from.

Many internet dwellers, at least 70% of them, must have read some article about internet marketing before – or most likely – came off of an affiliate product itself. Offering the moon and the stars. (Or at least most of them do). People always tend to get the “too good to be true” feeling from this – and immediately leave – distrusting any possible opportunity it might have had to realize.

Making money from affiliate sales, apart from the uncertainty of the reputation of individual affiliate products, is one market affluent that shouldn't quite be underestimated when it comes to wealth potential. There are literally hundreds of millions of dollars flowing through the internet – just from sales dedicated to the affiliate marketing niche alone.
What is affiliate marketing – and how can you get your hands on those cash?

The chances that you'd already know what affiliate marketing is, even though you'd think you don't know, is more than 50%. The concept of affiliate marketing is nothing new; it has just been revolutionized online. In its most simple form: it's when you market/promote someone else's products and as a payment/reward you get a certain amount from the sold item(s).

So it's just like selling Avon products or as another example, selling health products.  The only revolutionized difference from Avon products which are physical products is that affiliate products are virtual. This changes everything. It changes the world. With promoting, distributing and doing word-of-mouth marketing with example Avon products, plus keeping those physical goods at your home, you'll need to go through the trouble meeting and explaining to dozens of people face to face, one by one about the product(s). You'll need to order those products and probably pay for courier or postage costs. Going through quite a lot for just a tiny little commission of 10% or sometimes a maybe 25%. With becoming an affiliate, marketing virtual products, you'll note that almost everywhere you'll look you'd be offered a 50%-75% share of the money.

But let me just share with you something which is most probably the interesting part of affiliate marketing: Whatever you're doing, you actually DON'T sell anything.

One thing, in particular, I have noted, is that some dubious bloggers and article writers tend to make public that by becoming an affiliate or affiliate marketer, you are a “seller”. This is misleading – as you aren't selling anything. You have no payments to process, no place to store whatever needs to be downloaded – in fact at first you don't even have the website to create the sales copy for it. When you're an affiliate marketer and reach your possible customers via an article through an article directory or on a web 2.0 interface such as hubpages, or a blog – you are merely going to redirect them to the page where that specific product will be situated. That is not selling. That's merely recommending something to someone - in detail. Assisting that person with something he/she, most likely, would have been interested in buying and made a search on Google to see whether there are a few people who have been using it or someone who could tell him generally more about the product.

Providing the consumer with information other than that what he/she would have been getting from the sales page. If you can create an insightful atmosphere through your words, advice and recommendations of your products, the person reading it would feel as if he'd want to sit down on his couch and seriously take into account what you have to say there. On the other hand, force the product to your potential customer – and he'll totally ignore you.

Where to get Affiliate products from

The biggest role players on the internet in the field of affiliate marketing is big names such as Amazon, Clickbank, Commission Junction and even Ebay. They even have 10,000’s of different products for you to choose from. However, there are thousands of other affiliate networks that simply must be taken advantage of, as well.

The first thing you should be thinking about upon deciding which company or individual's product to start promoting is finding out when exactly you'd be getting paid and through which way. The basic cash-out form is via check or Paypal. In the case that you live in a non-Paypal country (where you can't link your local bank account with your Paypal account for withdrawals) – you're going to be forced to get your money through check. This will result in you eventually receiving your money 6-10 weeks after you have actually earned it. (Depending on where you live + the bank clearance time after you received your check.)

Or you could also look for affiliate networks that will pay you through other payment forms such as Payza or 2Checkout – something that will still be faster than a check and a payment system that is supportive in the country you live in.

Believe me. When you'd be receiving your money two months after the time you earned it – it will impact your appetite for affiliate marketing and will kill your desire and spirit to continue.

How to promote affiliate products

I have seen lots of affiliates that, recklessly, promote their products in several of forms. Some of it being at such very eerie places – I don't even want to mention it. It's also not such a good idea to post ads in free classified directories. It's free and it's easy – but there's really not anything rewarding about any of the two. I'll give you two good reasons why to not do this: You're wasting your time posting ads. So many ads are continuously being placed by thousands of people, causing that your ad will immediately drop to the 10th, 50th or even 100th place – to the bottom of the list. It's unnecessary to mention that no-one will see your ad. Number two, is that by merely posting ads – you aren't providing any real quality of information about the product you promote – and you thus nullify your chances at someone buying your product(s).

Some affiliate would even go as far and bet their money on Google Adwords. If you don't know what Google Adwords is: It's a way to get immediate people to wherever you want them to go – but this comes at a cost. A cost of a per-click basis. By using Adwords, you will need to pay for every person that will be visiting your  product's page a certain amount. By experience – this will be around $1 per click. It means that you would need to pay $100 for getting about 100 people to see your products . . . If you don't know anything about Google Adwords – you're going to cry like a baby as Google will spare you no cent all the while, in most cases, be left with nothing.

There are thousands upon thousands of affiliates who are making use of article directories – writing very informative and triggering articles. The reason they do this is because they utilize keywords at their full advantage at gaining as much people to read their article(s) as possible. Article Directories usually rank very high in Google (or at least those with a good Google Pagerank). By combining research about what people type into Google and writing about exactly that – affiliates thus succeeds at gaining sales this way.

Things to note for when also writing articles:

Ezine Articles is known for being the premier article directory online – however don't support affiliate links at all. I advise you thus to make sure that when following this way to get people to see your products – to check for article directories that do support your links.

How to increase your chances to make affiliate sales?

There are numerous small things that you could implement to improve the chances at getting a bigger chance at making sales, by way of a bigger response percentage. To all the people visiting your product pages.

However, the most important thing will obviously be the way in how you will approach the person who will be reading your presentation about the product – and the way it will be presented is going to be seriously important. It could determine whether that person would be intrigued, would stay longer, even click through on your links to your product – or would just be leaving the soonest he had landed on you recommendation of the product. Whatever that would be.

Utilize web 2.0 websites in conjunction to your article marketing practices.

This is one of the biggest things that will impact a sale. Are you only going to have an article? With no picture and stuff to enchant your visitors? With web 2.0 websites such as Hubpages you could really go a long way in preparing yourself exactly how the page is going to look what your potential customer is going to look at. Squidoo does seem to be the most popular when it comes to providing more informative content, called lenses. Thus, if you don't have a blog or a website to do your own things – just use Squidoo. You could also make money (although very small amounts) with Hubpages and Squidoo – but then again, this post is nothing about it.

Also upon deciding exactly which product to choose, choose logically. Choose something that isn't so widely marketed by others – but something that do seem to yourself as a decent product that is without fluff. And then – also very important – the price. Would you be thinking about getting that $100 product and get the 75% commission – that will easily give you a $75? Think logically. Choose a more reasonable amount of product to buy – people don't have money to just throw around. Something between $20-$30 would do just fine – and $15 would trigger a suspicion about whether it's that cheap.

Upon deciding to become an affiliate or not – should be yours and no-one's decision but your own. So if you think that affiliate marketing is really something that is just over hyped and that one can't really make $3,000 or more with it – thanks for making more space for others that think different.

To your success.

How often does Google crawl and update your blog?

9:55 AM 1 Comments A+ a-

In the blogosphere, there are basically three things most bloggers are quite concerned about – nervously almost all of the time:

  • The amount of backlinks that are pointing to their blog, that in turn,

  •  Determines the PageRank of such blog’ front page.

These two factors dramatically impacts Google’s overall standpoint of view of a blog and what rankings it should apply towards it; which directly reflects:

  •  At how often Google would crawl and update it.

Most probably you would ask, who is just a reader, the internet guy who visits multiple websites daily – why on earth these bloggers would be having such a huge infatuation with these three ranking factors as if their lives are at stake?

The simplest answer? It’s money. But I’d advice not to even ask this question out loud. As I’m sure that some bloggers would probably bite your head off. (Even just for asking – as how could you even be asking that??) Ok. Perhaps I’m just (slightly) a bit paranoid. (Typically just like them.)

But really – why, specifically, would bloggers be so worried about how often Google would be updating their blogs?

With Google, which is definitely the strongest search engine on the planet with most earthlings going over there – it makes perfect sense why. Especially, while Google easily get well over two thirds of the search engine market’s traffic share moving between its location-based websites – Google also remains being the easiest search engine to rank for.

I haven’t quite lied to you that ‘money’ is the answer to bloggers’ stress that is directly linked with fast/immediately updating blogs’ concern within Google’s search engine. As it is. But significantly more important – it’s traffic.

Contention rich Blogs are always crawled instantly

Traffic is vital for EVERY website. In fact, without it there’s not JUST no money. A blog/website is made for showcasing and sharing whatever there is on it to show. If people won’t be able to visit a website or there are no-one going over there for whatever reason – it makes absolutely no sense. You can try considering closing your blog and throw it away as it won’t do anything or provide any value for you.

But please, let’s just cut through the cake now: “If Google won’t be updating your blog the soonest you would be updating it – could it mean that your blog isn’t quite yet important through Google’s eyes?

That question is so spot on!

Blogs (or at least those with a wordpress interface) have an automatic ping function build in.  What this means is that Google will immediately know when you have published a new post or article on your blog.

For those who don’t know what pinging means: You’re actually notifying or telling Google’s web crawlers with a specific demand code: “Oh come, come quickly, come and check out my new stuff I just released.” Google’s content-hungry, lighting fast web crawlers would respond instantaneously - and would go and have a look on what all this sudden craze would be about.

Depending on how much backlinks you have pointing towards your blog – you might be one of those bloggers with a low blog score reflecting in Google’s bots (web crawlers) responding as such: “Are you kidding me? Is this all you have to throw at me? I can’t believe this was what all the excitement was about!”

With this type of reaction, it means that Google WOULD have crawled (visited) your blog but will only be showing (updating) your published post later in future.

Now here comes the importance of a fast updating blog in its full blown reality. Bloggers who come up with new content – don’t see it when they’ve released it. Not within an hour. Not even the day after – or the day after that. It causes frustration, but more importantly – what if that post or article was (supposed to be) news for the day – and only actually shows up a week later?

This not-so-impressive reaction that Google gives blogs like these tells a story of low amounts of backlinks and/or most probably that the quality and relevancy of it is weak. It could also suggest that the blogger don’t update his/her blog regularly – that gives Google an idea that the blog is really not that important. And so it really don’t show content fast for that particular blog.

On the other hand, you might get the opposite reaction from Google’s web crawlers when they came off of something new on your blog: “Oh this is freakin’ awesome! I must JUST show it to everyone so that the entire world can check it out!”

What this means, judging from the huge amount and quality of backlinks (lots of good votes) pointing towards your blog, is that Google’s thinking a whole lot of your blog and really adores it. So much so that one of its many web crawlers would put up your written work you made yourself (your brand new stunningly unique,, fresh content) in its search engine index – the very second you would be releasing it. That’s why you’d note just after hitting publish’ and checking that post up in Google – you’d see something like ‘a few seconds ago’ or ’30 seconds ago’ or something like that. It just tells the person seeing this (the googler) when last it visited that particular website or blog.

And the googler seeing the post might just visit it - even while just being indexed.

These facts are enough reason for bloggers to always ensure that Google respond fast and immediately when they release new posts or articles.

It triggers the question: How capable is your blog at releasing content and traffic?

A blog that is updated instantaneously could easily spark new traffic. And just by example: If it could release 100 new posts – it is arguable to say that it has 100 new chances to gain new (and more) traffic. Oppose to a blog that don’t get updated the same day.

Let me leave you thus with one thought of question and finish this post off: Would you say that based upon how fast or slow a blog is updated (cached and crawled) when a post is released – should it give you an idea of how important it is – and how much traffic it could generate?

Go try and release something new on your own blog and in the so doing investigate the update time and importance of it. I think you’d know exactly what to do after the impact of reality (that sudden shock) will be kicking in!

How to make lots of money immediately - with Craigslist

8:18 AM 1 Comments A+ a-

There are lots and lots of Craigslist money in secret moving to many people's pockets everyday

Call it a flawless way to make money

If there’s one way to start raking in money immediately and you utterly no longer know where to go running to get some money . . .  you should run to Craigslist. There, many marketers post tons of posts in the form of an advertisement – and in the so doing reaches literally thousands per day. Particularly because Google, King of search engines displays Craigslist advertisements very easily and quickly into Google – not to mention placing it either as the first result or at least on the first page of whatever your audience’s keywords are (what people type into Google).

Imagine you write an ad and post it successfully to Craigslist? In a matter of minutes you’ll see your ad up in Google being on the first page of it: The possibility remains that you can have thousands of people seeing it.

So what does showing an ad of what you’re selling to others actually mean? It means that you are “presenting” whatever you are selling to a possible someone who might buy it.

Aren’t you in need for money urgently as in right now?

With Craigslist there are lots and lots of people making money (secretly) raking in literally $1000 per day.

Why isn’t everyone earning these thousands I am speaking about especially those struggling bloggers and internet marketers?

For two reasons. Everyone don’t know about Craigslist. But the greatest reason for this is that not even half of the people that know about Craigslist succeed at posting an advertisement.

That is the only problem. There are 10,000s of people trying every day to post an advertisement with Craigslist each day – just to realize that their ad isn’t showing at all. The reason is because there are a lot of bots moving through a dedicated advanced spam system that is so strict at not excepting posts that when a posting isn’t exact and specific enough it “ghosts” your ad. Many times it shows you or tells you that your ad is up and showing all the while it is not – just to trick you.

How to beat the Craigslist Bot

There are a few people who are sharing and exchanging the inbound-secrets and up-to-date knowledge and info at succeeding to keep posting and profiting from Craigslist. There are many free resources online whereby one can try and acquire this information. However they would always tend to be outdated and not nearly telling everything you should.

If you really want to know how to succeed do acquire all of the information within these three ebooks – as this is the only place where you will get ALL of the information to succeed at posting advertisements successfully to start at making literally $100’s every day. If you are in dire need for money – then whatever you do just don’t go borrow some. With Craigslist you really don’t need loans anymore!

There are 3 main advantages for advertising on Craigslist:

Instant Customers at your fingertips

Instantly reaching 10,000′s of people looking for opportunities on Craigslist site. It is the world’s 33rd most visited site thus meaning a large audience

You get targeted customers

Why you’re getting targeted customers is that you can rank high on the Google search engine through ads. If you do keyword research (what people are typing into Google) you can make a staggering amount of money just by targeting your audience with specific keywords people type into Google everyday.

You never need a website

You can place multiple ads daily with Craigslist once you know exactly what you should do to succeed at ad postings there.

Visit just here if you're looking for things to sell on Craigslist and want to make heaps of money without spending $10′s of dollar out of your pocket.

There are quite a few ebooks on the market (most for free) that mentions a ways on how you can be able to make decent money ($100 and more per day) by NOT posting ads –

but by utilizing Ebay. For example – people that are looking for “specific” items on Craigslist. As a classified website, just like your traditional classified newspaper – people would always tend to request or look and ask for certain things there.

What if you would be the one to solve that request? What if someone looked for a second hand Sony Playstation – for a specific price of $100 (for example) and there is one to buy from someone for cheaper at Just by connecting certain sales with certain people – you could profit, profit, profit . . .

Happy Craigslisting and making money.