How to make cash selling your cellphone pics?
Imagine playing journalist when there are no journalists at a scene? Capturing the moment in pictures or video? Guess what? No longer do you need to share your content (literally your intellectual property) captured by photo or video of a very important event. You can put it up for auction so that any organization or corporation could have access to it - by paying you for using it. Thanks to the website Fizwoz.
The perfect priced content would be marked in the vicinity of $3-$5. Take fifty shots while doing this on a regular basis - and you could make $150 a month. Seeing to it that a chunk of one's time would be taken out from all the snapping and video capturing - it would tend to be a much more favorable 'job' for those extremely social teenagers out there, acting as a little source of pocket money. The reason why this is the case is obvious. Making $150 from 10-20 videos or photos in a given month (continuously) is rare, added that newspaper companies, organizations, blogs, magazine companies etc. are more exact and fussy over what photos they're looking for. Trying to keep doing the same thing over and over to keep a little stream of money alive, will get very daunting. Nevertheless. Doing a bit of research throughout the various categories with Fizwoz, like sports, entertainment, weather, breaking news etc., it is essential to do your due diligence on finding the right niche on your taste in providing content.
Things such as "how" the picture is taken is much much more important over the sheer fact than simply - it is taken. This is exactly where you should throb out your photographic skills and there where you don't, put a bit of effort in zooming in on putting a few tactics in place to copy those professional photographers.
Soon you'll notice that you could get $150 a month from just taking a few interesting photos. You never know.