Is Pagerank just a decoration at the top of your blog?
Like Many internet marketers, bloggers would tend to only look at decent Pagerank blogs if and when optimizing their sites for the search engines (robots) and for humans (their site visitors).The question however on the lips of many bloggers, constantly remains now even more frequent than any other time – and a very disappointing and worried one: Is Google Pagerank really that important? If so why is that so many people don't rank within the search engines as great as they had expected it would be? And why don't they ever get an increase of Pagerank while other sites get a major difference all of the time.
Google Pagerank Toolbar don't always tell the truth, you know
The honest truth don't lie within Pagerank. There are a lot of people that seem to be quite outpaced by Google when acquiring the levels at measuring optimal search engine presence and a footprint of establishment online. What they should know, and you too, is that Google constantly changes the way in how websites should be ranking.
Pagerank is just a tool to give you an idea of how strong a website ranks.
Is that true? The ugly truth is that Pagerank really aren't that important, though. It's the content what is actually the prize. And Google acclaims this out loud. The more Google tries to tell internet marketers that they really shouldn't be looking at the Pagerank meter, the better they are confident that Google simply wants to divert their appeal to the Pagerank and what (according to bloggers) it can be capable of doing.
Google is telling the truth. Don't focus on building backlinks and backlinks and more of them.
The focus is on getting content. Beautiful, interesting content.The only way to grow your visitors is to start and write about common ordinary things in your life that will appeal to your readers or website visitors in one or the other way. It will be more welcoming to them in the sense that you no longer have the presence of an internet marketer with a website that are just trying to sell something to them again – like any and almost every other person out there in the jungle of the internet.
I have seen a lot of websites being very persistent at blogging. And they're just one of many PR 3 blogs out there that are doing very good, making over $3000 a month – and it's all about the fact that they constantly produce useful, interesting content. By the way, these type of sites are always in the Alexa top 50,000.
Tip: Don't expect to make $3000 from start with a blog. A blog remains an enormously great tool to obtain residual income. So if you'd ever want to start and make some real money online, and I'm obviously talking about $3000 +, you're going to have to be persistent and constant at what you are doing, and just simply will need to enjoy it!
Who knows, if you're really serious about what you want to do after you have figured out what exactly your passion is and building a blog around it – you might start to profit over $10,000 within reach of your first 6 months online.
Nothing is impossible. “How much you want it” is key to your success. Never mind Pagerank.