How to make cash with an existing blog or site
So you’ve been trying to make money online and started a blog or a static website? Without doubt, you’d end up in a wrestle at accomplishing any of your endeavors online. You’re not quite alone – there are literally millions of people online trying to make decent money over the internet.While so many people still believe that it’s not that difficult to make money online - (while it’s virtually not) – the large competition over the same resource has strangled the idea, though.
The most basic thing you need to reach an online audience (which is the vital source to obtain an income or some form of money or reward) you have already figured out. And that is the blog you already started or bought.
Now you need to play the online game over competing and gearing your blog up to the search engine rankings – also known as the ‘serps’.
Perhaps you’ve already figured this part out as well that you’ll need to get backlinks and backlinks – and even more of it to work your way up to the ladder. What you probably didn’t know is that more blogs and websites are not so keen these days to be so kind to simply just give away ‘dofollow’ backlinks as simply as that.
‘Dofollow’ or ‘dofollow backlinks’ are terms, so I assume, you are also very well familiarized with.
Without dofollow backlinks, your endeavors and efforts are not going to reap you any figs from the tree. What I have noticed in the last one year is that the market of seo (search engine optimization) has saturated in such a dramatized way, that Google decided to discontinue in updating its Page Rank algorithm indefinitely – as too much people have put too much emphasis on it.
You perhaps are one of these people who have marketed Page Rank insatiably to a lot of people through word of mouth – either you ought to have read about it quite a lot.
The weird thing about this is that your feeling or the other search engine marketer’s or blogger’s feeling – are ironically – correct. Correct in the way that Page Rank is (was) a very clear indication of the level of where your blog or site was in terms of how much quality backlinks pointed to your blog.
Now that no one can indicate whether Page Rank is in check seeing to it that it wasn’t updating in almost a year, you can’t really say that any website’s green bar is correct, for that matter.
You can utilize the architecture of Page Rank to make your way to the top, though. If you would be able to do that – you’ll certainly start making money with your own website – and even at a later stage, lots of it.
How do you use Page rank architecture for this matter?
There are roughly, and I do say roughly, three things you need to take into account, seriously to benefit from the Pager Rank structure, the clear way in how Google organizes its search engine.
1 Instead of looking for supreme quality websites/ blog such as Pagerank 5 and 6 blogs – take the load off your shoulders and try to get links from any dofollow blog with at least a white space in the Google Pager Rank toolbar, indicating a 0/10 ranking.
In the first place, clearly you can’t say that the Page Rank 4 blog is indeed a Page Rank 4 blog. It might be a 1/10. It might even be a 0/10. However, if it would’ve been a blog with no good/sufficient backlinks pointing to it – your Google Page Rank toolbar would have graded it grey with the words (N/A). Thus suggesting that that blog or website isn’t even ranked!
For this matter, don’t even waste any more of your time to obtain backlinks from just Page Rank 4 blogs and above. You certainly have no guarantee over whether that Page Rank indication is correct.
2 Make sure the blog is dofollow indeed!
There are so many bloggers today that seem to copy and paste from one another these days, deeming and assuring of the quality of blog posts not so high. One of just many examples is that bloggers tend to incorrectly index and gather lists of dofollow blogs, social networking and other web 2.0 websites all of the time.
All that I can assume is that they simply copy someone else’s lists and make it their own, while they’d only tweak and shuffle these lists.
For this reason, don’t believe it when people post that or for example, are dofollow sites and that you ‘simply need to get a link from these sites to improve your search engine rankings.’
Those are the type of information that downgrades people’s perception of bloggers in general. The true fact about Facebook and Twitter is not to obtain long term gain from their backlinks, but rather to reap direct rewards. Which is their traffic. Not organic search boosts to get higher into Google and in the so doing bringing your blog smaller amounts of traffic, daily.
If you’d ever want to get organic traffic to your blog, (which is, by the way, the most rewarding, quality and targeted traffic) – you’ll need to get DOFOLLOW backlinks to your blog with anchor text (the phrase you want to rank for).
The only way to always ensure in how to get dofollow backlinks to your website is not to believe others, but rather to make sure with the Firefox Nodofollow addon.
This is a great addon that shows you whether which backlinks on a page of any website or blog is either dofollow or either nofollow. When it is nofollow the anchor text of such links is highlighted in pale red. If any links would be dofollow, the link will be highlighted in blue.
Always make sure that each and every blog you visit contains dofollow (blue) backlinks in the comment section. Otherwise the link will not be credited to your blog and you will not make money – as no one will start visiting your blog still!
3 Keep your backlinks in check with your peers
You must always remember that Google puts far more emphasis on relevancy than anything else! Yet again, don’t waste any time rendering at trying to gain a Page Rank 6 and simply a (any) Page Rank 7 backlinks. You’d be searching endlessly to your demise!
Rather search for all the dofollow baclinks in your niche and get backlinks from them. Believe me. If you’d gained 10 backlinks from 10 different blogs, relevant and more or less the same as the blog you have, Google will give you a higher score in its search engine – compared to the single irrelevant Page Rank 6 or 7 website not nearly in your niche.
Keep working at these three crucial factors and you will start reaping the benefits within a week or two. When you see changes, definitely invest in your actions again and again and again.
After a month or two, you will not regret it!

By comparison to other blogs, you will need to blog more, having more than 50 blog posts and at the same time have at least 200 different websites linking to your blog that are more or less the same as yours.
You can hunt Google down for 200 relevant blogs such as your own that are dofollow, within a month, while at the same time blog more regularly – not uninteresting content and concentrate at something unique. Publishing 2-3 blog posts a week is fine.
Within four to six weeks, you will see your search engine ranking dramatically improving, only paving your way to four digit earnings ($1000 or more) every month. Just by blogging.
To the success of all your endeavors,
Good Luck!
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