Getting small drops of money daily from articles

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On countless occasions you have probably stumbled upon numerous articles and blog posts, videos and aplenty other resources for what you had typed into Google or another search engine. Well, what you also came across was nothing other than information. Or content. And if you didn’t know it by know – content makes money.

Today there are unlimited ways to even start making money with your content. That content could either be in the form of video, photos, music files and pdf files – however the dominating and most important content form remain written articles or posts. Information in the form of written words that is being picked up by the search engines for when people make a search on Google, Bing or Yahoo is important for blog owners or website masters as it brings traffic to their blogs or sites – and that means money.

The basic way in which bloggers make money remain ‘advertising revenue’. There more than 20 established ways to make money with advertisements on a blog, the most notably PPC – which the blogger is getting paid at a ‘pay-per-click’ basis. Thus each time someone clicks on an advertisement on a site or blog – someone could be paid $0.01, $0.10, $1 or sometimes even $10 per click.

Bloggers make sustainable amounts of money to their blogs as long as they keep getting sustainable traffic to it. And for that to work – they simply must get free traffic from the search engines.

Today there are also countless of websites (as well as blogs) to write for and get directly paid such as Constant Content; to write articles on and be a member of such a site in aid of backlinks or traffic as a direction to a specific landing page such as Ezine Articles. The basic reason for this is for benefits such as clicking on ads of a site, getting subscriptions to a blog – or even making direct sales from there.

Then there off course other article sites and places to write for such as Content Caboodle and Associated Content, Ehow etc.

There are even websites such as Hubpages and Squidoo which are of the popular web 2.0 sites where you can create an informative, interesting ‘lens’ or ‘hub’ and in the so doing get a share of revenue from any of the money earned from Google Adsense from these sites.

There are also other web 2.0 platforms such as and where you can create a free blog. Add video, pictures – adding as much content to those site (although you won't be able to make money with these free blogs though).

If you keep searching over the internet – I am utmost sure that you will also come across thousands and thousands of very good blogs that will pay you to write articles and blog posts. What you can do is to type in the words “Write for us” in Google. You will get endless of websites and blogs to write for. And be paid through Paypal, Payza - or basically any way in which you would want to be paid.

To your success.