How to continuously profit from ebooks + Digital Stores
If you fail at affiliate marketing in every possible way and are bad at writing masterpieces for content or articles to profit in this way as well – chances are that you’re really not going to make money on the internet at all. I don’t want to be pessimistic – but face it. It would be understandable in not being able to have that special thing for writing, but other than that – it takes serious of continuous of hard work with marketing or promoting products on the internet – before even reaping $1 out of it. Do you agree?
From the thousands of ways that one can make money on the internet, it’s still going to pretty much remain the same as to how you would be making money in the traditional world. And by that – I mean the real world we are living in, off course. That thing is: commodity. Someone who can buy. If that thing (person) won’t be there – money isn’t going to be there. It’s simple. It’s logical. On the internet, lots and lots of people struggle and fail – because they can’t get people to see whatever they are promoting.
With Digital Stores offering you the opportunity to sell digital downloads through them – is like money offered to you on a platter. Can you guess why? They have the traffic. You have the product. You just need to trade your duplicatable products for money . . . How fascinating, isn’t it?
What are probably very ongoing great sellers, are ebooks. Caught within those digital pages are information that people just want to get their hands on. Whether it’s just another said brilliant way to make money; about how to get your relationship up back and running again; whether about how to keep your pets healthy – or how to burn those fats within a few days just before your Christmas holiday in Australia. Ebooks are knock-out sellers all the time. But with one or two ebooks you won’t be making money upfront, just like that. In fact even if it were to be a very popular ebook – you might still not make a sale.
Not even while selling it on digital stores as I say?
No. The simple thing to come off to why this is so: Just use your logic. What does logic tell you? If you can’t think of anything upstairs there, well, let me just list two inbound details:
1 By trying to sell one ebook, will dramatically decrease your chances to make sales
2 By selling a popular ebook for a lot of money, you will actually work at nullifying your chances at making a sale.
With utilizing Digital stores – you can only fully benefit from it if you’re really going to be active in it. Sorry to say if you might be someone who don’t have the time or are looking for a TOO easy way to make money on the internet!

Digital stores can let you earn anything from $1-$100 every day. That, logically, is going to dependant on how much ebooks you have stored within their databases. If you’ll be blessed enough to have 20,30 or 50 ebooks that are interesting, expensive and deemed to sell, thrown on at least 5 different stores – logically – you will have 100’s of chances to make sales . . .
Ha! Don’t get excited just too soon. Simply by having many ebooks on more than one store is not optimally going to skyrocket the chances of you making sales and more sales every single day.
So what exactly would that be?
That, my Friend is called . . . Guess what? It’s called logic. Mind me talking about logic all the time – but you really need it to survive online.
Just think about it for a minute. People, and even you, everyone would want expensive products or programs or the best thing that is on the market – but they don’t exactly want to pay the market price for it.

By selling your ebooks for less than their average price on the internet – you will make people want to flee to you for whatever the name of your ebook(s) are. That’s the magic. But make it even more dramatic. If people don’t know what the prices of your items are – show them. Make them understand that yours are very much more affordable versus other people who sell the exact same thing as you do. Usually this creates the atmosphere that your potential buyers don’t have any time to even think about it: They’ll just buy your product! Who is going to leave something when you know it costs $50 and $60 elsewhere and they can instantly get it at $5 or $6?
If you don’t quite understand what I’m talking about – see here at my post about how to make money without lifting a finger.
How to start making money off of Digital Stores
I don’t know many places where you can sell digital products for absolutely free for the first 30 days, other than Payloadz. Usually stores such as E-junkie and Tradebit ask a fee upfront. So I suggest you try out this way to make money with. I do have a few Resell Rights Programs at my post about making money shockingly easy with Payloadz and ebooks that you may resell for full profits and for cheaper.
There are also other digital stores such as Cerizmo, Bubdee and Modularmerchant where you can sell. In fact there are probably 100’s of them. But do choose only about 10 of them and concentrate at giving as much details about your ebooks to other.
At the end of the day, let me know whether you are making a daily $10-$50 from your flawless way of making money without the need to go look for people.
Write commentsGreat Post
ReplyYes there is still lots of money to be made from selling ebooks on-line, especially if you sell them for a greatly reduced price,over time you can earn more money due to the high sales volume.
one great way to earn extra money is to buy an ebook with resell rights and then sell the book yourself. I have been doing this for a while and easily make extra money
Replygood site. if you need backlinks. You can buying in marketplace
ReplyE-books are easy to carry. Different books have different worth in terms of what is written in them. While the main thing is the book cover and its design. The Abu Dhabi book cover design specialist always recommends that your book cover design should be clear and attractive. This is the way to force the person to read the books.