Make abundant money with affiliate marketing
Apart from making money through
blogging, affiliate marketing is one of the most common ways to make staggering amounts of profits from the internet and one of the easiest sources to get money from.
Many internet dwellers, at least 70% of them, must have read some article about internet marketing before – or most likely – came off of an affiliate product itself. Offering the moon and the stars. (Or at least most of them do). People always tend to get the “too good to be true” feeling from this – and immediately leave – distrusting any possible opportunity it might have had to realize.
Making money from affiliate sales, apart from the uncertainty of the reputation of individual affiliate products, is one market affluent that shouldn't quite be underestimated when it comes to wealth potential. There are literally hundreds of millions of dollars flowing through the internet – just from sales dedicated to the affiliate marketing niche alone.
What is affiliate marketing – and how can you get your hands on those cash?
The chances that you'd already know what affiliate marketing is, even though you'd think you don't know, is more than 50%. The concept of affiliate marketing is nothing new; it has just been revolutionized online. In its most simple form: it's when you market/promote someone else's products and as a payment/reward you get a certain amount from the sold item(s).
So it's just like selling Avon products or as another example, selling health products. The only revolutionized difference from Avon products which are physical products is that affiliate products are virtual. This changes everything. It changes the world. With promoting, distributing and doing word-of-mouth marketing with example Avon products, plus keeping those physical goods at your home, you'll need to go through the trouble meeting and explaining to dozens of people face to face, one by one about the product(s). You'll need to order those products and probably pay for courier or postage costs. Going through quite a lot for just a tiny little commission of 10% or sometimes a maybe 25%. With becoming an affiliate, marketing virtual products, you'll note that almost everywhere you'll look you'd be offered a 50%-75% share of the money.

But let me just share with you something which is most probably the interesting part of affiliate marketing: Whatever you're doing, you actually DON'T sell anything.
One thing, in particular, I have noted, is that some dubious bloggers and article writers tend to make public that by becoming an affiliate or affiliate marketer, you are a “seller”. This is misleading – as you aren't selling anything. You have no payments to process, no place to store whatever needs to be downloaded – in fact at first you don't even have the website to create the sales copy for it. When you're an affiliate marketer and reach your possible customers via an article through an article directory or on a web 2.0 interface such as hubpages, or a blog – you are merely going to redirect them to the page where that specific product will be situated. That is not selling. That's merely recommending something to someone - in detail. Assisting that person with something he/she, most likely, would have been interested in buying and made a search on Google to see whether there are a few people who have been using it or someone who could tell him generally more about the product.
Providing the consumer with information other than that what he/she would have been getting from the sales page. If you can create an insightful atmosphere through your words, advice and recommendations of your products, the person reading it would feel as if he'd want to sit down on his couch and seriously take into account what you have to say there. On the other hand, force the product to your potential customer – and he'll totally ignore you.
Where to get Affiliate products from
The biggest role players on the internet in the field of affiliate marketing is big names such as
Commission Junction and even
Ebay. They even have 10,000’s of different products for you to choose from. However, there are thousands of other affiliate networks that simply must be taken advantage of, as well.
The first thing you should be thinking about upon deciding which company or individual's product to start promoting is finding out when exactly you'd be getting paid and through which way. The basic cash-out form is via check or
Paypal. In the case that you live in a non-Paypal country (where you can't link your local bank account with your Paypal account for withdrawals) – you're going to be forced to get your money through check. This will result in you eventually receiving your money 6-10 weeks after you have actually earned it. (Depending on where you live + the bank clearance time after you received your check.)
Or you could also look for affiliate networks that will pay you through other payment forms such as
Payza or
2Checkout – something that will still be faster than a check and a payment system that is supportive in the country you live in.
Believe me. When you'd be receiving your money two months after the time you earned it – it will impact your appetite for affiliate marketing and will kill your desire and spirit to continue.
How to promote affiliate products
I have seen lots of affiliates that, recklessly, promote their products in several of forms. Some of it being at such very eerie places – I don't even want to mention it. It's also not such a good idea to post ads in free classified directories. It's free and it's easy – but there's really not anything rewarding about any of the two. I'll give you two good reasons why to not do this: You're wasting your time posting ads. So many ads are continuously being placed by thousands of people, causing that your ad will immediately drop to the 10
th, 50
th or even 100
th place – to the bottom of the list. It's unnecessary to mention that no-one will see your ad. Number two, is that by merely posting ads – you aren't providing any real quality of information about the product you promote – and you thus nullify your chances at someone buying your product(s).
Some affiliate would even go as far and bet their money on Google Adwords. If you don't know what
Google Adwords is: It's a way to get immediate people to wherever you want them to go – but this comes at a cost. A cost of a per-click basis. By using Adwords, you will need to pay for every person that will be visiting your product's page a certain amount. By experience – this will be around $1 per click. It means that you would need to pay $100 for getting about 100 people to see your products . . . If you don't know anything about Google Adwords – you're going to cry like a baby as Google will spare you no cent all the while, in most cases, be left with nothing.
There are thousands upon thousands of affiliates who are making use of article directories – writing very informative and triggering articles. The reason they do this is because they utilize keywords at their full advantage at gaining as much people to read their article(s) as possible. Article Directories usually rank very high in Google (or at least those with a good Google Pagerank). By combining research about what people type into Google and writing about exactly that – affiliates thus succeeds at gaining sales this way.
Things to note for when also writing articles:
Ezine Articles is known for being the premier article directory online – however don't support affiliate links at all. I advise you thus to make sure that when following this way to get people to see your products – to check for article directories that do support your links.
How to increase your chances to make affiliate sales?
There are numerous small things that you could implement to improve the chances at getting a bigger chance at making sales, by way of a bigger response percentage. To all the people visiting your product pages.
However, the most important thing will obviously be the way in how you will approach the person who will be reading your presentation about the product – and the way it will be presented is going to be seriously important. It could determine whether that person would be intrigued, would stay longer, even click through on your links to your product – or would just be leaving the soonest he had landed on you recommendation of the product. Whatever that would be.
Utilize web 2.0 websites in conjunction to your article marketing practices.
This is one of the biggest things that will impact a sale. Are you only going to have an article? With no picture and stuff to enchant your visitors? With web 2.0 websites such as
Hubpages you could really go a long way in preparing yourself exactly how the page is going to look what your potential customer is going to look at.
Squidoo does seem to be the most popular when it comes to providing more informative content, called lenses. Thus, if you don't have a blog or a website to do your own things – just use Squidoo. You could also make money (although very small amounts) with Hubpages and Squidoo – but then again, this post is nothing about it.
Also upon deciding exactly which product to choose, choose logically. Choose something that isn't so widely marketed by others – but something that do seem to yourself as a decent product that is without fluff. And then – also very important – the price. Would you be thinking about getting that $100 product and get the 75% commission – that will easily give you a $75? Think logically. Choose a more reasonable amount of product to buy – people don't have money to just throw around. Something between $20-$30 would do just fine – and $15 would trigger a suspicion about whether it's that cheap.
Upon deciding to become an affiliate or not – should be yours and no-one's decision but your own. So if you think that affiliate marketing is really something that is just over hyped and that one can't really make $3,000 or more with it – thanks for making more space for others that think different.
To your success.